Training Overview
You won't just learn concepts and theories in this program. You'll be able to formulate a solid plan based on sound tools, measures and applications that have helped transform large organizations successfully.
The program makes it easy for you and your stakeholders to grasp the rationale behind your digital strategy. The program delivers not-all-theory; as 85% of the course consists of simulations, interactive games and practical exercises.
- Understand the principle behind What is Industry 4.0 and what it means to the success or failures of businesses today.
- What's the benefit of knowing the place of Digital Technologies, Productivity Tools and Applications in order to increase not just throughput but also business intelligence.
- Why it's important to understand the difference between Digitization vs Digitalization
- Understand how the 9 Dimensions of Industry 4.0: AI, Blockchain, Big Data, IOT, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, 3D Printing, Mixed Reality and Robotics/RPA impacts customer experience and supply chain/asset management and data governance/compliance.
- What are the top 10 Critical Skills your organization needs to prioritize in order to thrive in Digital Economy
- Learn where to apply Creativity and 9 Innovation protocols
- Be able to assimilate the application of a Growth mindset and Change Management model in crafting your DT strategy
- Craft actionable plan for Industry 4.0 - Aids you in understanding your "as-is" state versus your digital vision and guides you in building the components to build a Digital Strategy for you, for your business unit and for your company.
- Determine where Digital Technologies can be employed. How to keep abreast of new technologies?
- Where does the principle of DOWNTIME and LEAN 4.0 fall into your strategy
- How to craft better Stakeholder management and communications that will help influence decisions
- Build you DIY Framework to implement Digital Transformation for your organization
- Carefully measure and track your outputs and actions thru Cost-Benefit-Risk analysis
- Implement an iterative PDCA model four-step management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products
- Publish your Final plan and Next steps