Event Details
In the dynamic landscape of security and risk management, characterized by evolving threats and the integration of cutting-edge technologies, the importance of strategic security measures cannot be overstated.
The "AmCham 2024 Security Summit: Future Ready", hosted by AmCham Philippines and OSAC Manila will center around the theme "Ensuring Robust Security Strategies for a Changing Landscape." This event will delve into key issues shaping the security domain, with four sessions revolving around the topics of National Security, Cybersecurity, International Organized Crimes and a culminating discussion on a 3-4 Year Security Forecast as the final session.
Expert presentations and panel discussions will shed light on effective strategies and best practices to assist organizations in adapting to emerging threats, embracing innovative security methods, and leveraging technology to fortify defenses. Summit participants will gain valuable insights on cultivating a secure, resilient, and adaptive organizational environment, fostering long-term security viability. The summit will spotlight impactful government programs focused on enhancing the security environment, promoting innovation, and maintaining a balanced security ecosystem.