Training Overview
Legal Wellness is a preventive educational module for employees so that they can avoid issues such as credit card debt, family disputes, and domestic affairs which take away from their quality of life, well-being, and productivity at work. Facilitated by Gallup-Certified Strengths coach, Atty. Dexter Diwas, the course gives employees adequate knowledge on what they need to know about laws related to bad financial decisions, relationships and family, gossip/defamation, and harassment.
- To identify common workplace concerns with regard to the law and legal disputes
- To define each of these common concerns and provide best practices to avoid being entangled in these legal issues
- To analyze existing situations that employees may be facing and provide guiding practices
I. Relationships/Love-Life-Related Laws
- Adultery
- Concubinage
- Annulment
- Legal Separation
- Declaration - Nullity of Marriage
- Violence Against Women
II. Laws Related to Bad Financial Decisions
- Estafa
- Small Claims
- Bouncing Checks
- Demand Letters
III. Laws Related to Sexual Harassment
- Safe Spaces Act
- Anti-Sexual Harassment Act
- Acts of Lasciviousness
- Rape
IV. Laws Related to Gossip/Chismis
- Libel
- Cyber Libel
- Unjust Vexation
- Moral Damages