Event Details
AmCham Philippines' Information and Communications Technology (ICT) committee together with Security and Disaster Resources Group (SDRG) committee will be having a timely discussion about The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Latest Technological Inventions and Innovations on April 27, 2021, from 2:00-3:30 PM via Zoom. Featured speaker will be Duncan Tan, Senior Research Manager and Head of IDC ASEAN's Services.
The Fourth Industrial Revolutions (4IR) is a fusion of technological advances in artificial intelligence (AI) robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), genetic engineering, quantum computing among others. It serves the purpose of integrating the digital, physical, and biological spheres and dimming its distinction and borderline among each other. In this modern age, these technological advancements and innovations are deemed pivotal and indispensable in the way we live as it paves way for digitization and transformative change.