Event Details
Effective intellectual property protection and enforcement is very important in today's world. It protects businesses and consumers, contributes to economic growth, and fosters innovation that benefits society. However, the vast prevalence of intellectual property infringements around the world continues to threaten this order.
The Office of Innovation & Intellectual Property (IIP) under the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) is responsible for monitoring and assessing the state of intellectual property protection and enforcement in the markets of its trading partners. The IIP employs tools such as the Special 301 Review and the Notorious Markets List to guide its engagement and cooperation with trading partners on intellectual property concerns.
The Trade and Investment & Intellectual Property Rights Committees of AmCham has invited Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Innovation & Intellectual Property Daniel Lee to discuss the challenges and successes in intellectual property protection and enforcement in Southeast Asia and the role of the USTR in ensuring that intellectual property rights are fairly protected and enforced. Mr. Lee will also give an overview of the working relationship between the U.S. and the Philippines on intellectual property issues.