Use this ticket if your company is a member of AmCham Philippines or if you are a member's proxy. The tariff types are listed below:
Standard Price: ₱6,000.00
-Pay online via credit card or PayPal.
Door Charge: ₱7,000.00
-On-site payment at the event.
Use this ticket if you or your company is not a member of AmCham Philippines. The tariff types are listed below:
Standard Price: ₱8,500.00
-Pay online via credit card or PayPal.
Door Charge: ₱9,500.00
-On-site payment at the event.
If you are a student, please bring your ID on the date of the event. For your registration, please enter your school name under "Company" and your current course under "Position". The tariff types are listed below:
Standard Price: ₱3,000.00
-Pay online via credit card or PayPal.
Door Charge: ₱4,000.00
-On-site payment at the event.
*Groups of 5 can avail a 15% discount on their total rate.