Event Details
Christmas comes but once a year,
so join us for some holiday cheer!
You're invited to AmCham's Christmas Party,
for an evening of joy, so full and hearty.
On December 4, at 6 PM,
the doors will open wide and then
we'll start the feast, the drink will flow,
our cards will pass and networks grow.
Speakers from the year will come,
as we end the year with some holiday fun.
And don't forget, this invitation
means it's finally Christmas vacation!
So don't you wait and don't be tardy,
register for AmCham's Christmas Party.
From AmCham, we hope all is well,
we'll see you all at the Makati Diamond Hotel!
Christmas in the USA is the theme,
wear your proudest Christmas state therein
You can dress as Statue of Liberty,
Uncle Sam or your NFL team.
Snow off your best Christmas-wear,
and win some prizes with your Christmas flair!