Event Details
AmCham member companies get two (2) complimentary passes which they must register here: http://bit.ly/amcham-ipr-committee-september-8-webinar
Additional representatives from member companies and non-members can register through this page.
With the massive involvement of technology in the past, and even more today, data and other sources of information are in the state of more risks. It is extremely important that we take extra steps to mitigate cybercrimes and other violations of data protection and data privacy. It is best to assume the worst, best to assume that Cybercriminals have developed their modus operandi to victimize more individuals and somehow counter the preventive means that we undertake for the very reason to avoid their attacks especially amidst the COVID-19.
In line with the recent Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) 2020 which commenced last 26 May, it is important to raise awareness and promote data privacy as it concerns most of us, especially, the business sector. In the past, not everyone believed in the importance of cybersecurity, data protection, and data privacy. However, it all changed when this pandemic struck us, suddenly, we are all about it.
Despite the atrocious experience due to COVID-19, we have all learned our lesson, specifically, with our involvement in the virtual world. We can say that not only today are we performing procedures that would elevate cybersecurity but generating sustainable solutions when times like this arises. Most importantly, we are able to acquire clarity on the potential impact of the crisis to our businesses, and be able to craft and prepare strategic responses to ensure cybersecurity and data protection.