Event Details
AmCham and OSAC members get two (2) complimentary passes which they must register here: https://bit.ly/amcham-pwoa-sdrg-webinar-august-27-2020
Additional member representatives and non-members may register by purchasing the corresponding tickets on this page.
In a world dominated of inequality and discrimination, we humans inevitably desire a sense of belongingness--be it in the personal or professional space. The topic of diversity and inclusivity has gained more attention over the past decade and it is commonly associated with the inclusion of marginalized members of society, such as women and LGBTQIA+ members. However what we fail to realize is inclusivity should not end in ensuring the belongingness and safety of the marginalized but also by using languages and approaches that promote inclusivity and diversity.
Moreover, when we think about one's safety and security whether at home or in the workspace, we assume stereotypes, i.e the perpetrator of an aggression or violence is a male towards a female, an older individual to a younger individual, a boss to an employee, etc. but in reality, anyone can experience threat in any form: men experiencing domestic violence, children abusing their parents, and the like.
For this month, the OSAC and SDRG will be joined by the Professional Women of AmCham (PWOA) in hosting a webinar that will focus on embracing diversity in your security program. With many years of experience in the field of Security, Beverly will share her insights on inclusivity, introduce diversity and the paradigm shift to inclusivity specifically in regard to safety and security.
Furthermore, she will be discussing key approaches, proper languages, and other methods to effectively incorporate inclusivity in your security program and its benefits, whether in your organization or own personal space. Lastly, as she will be tackling diversity in security in a new light, the webinar will be a platform to generate discussion and interaction among experts and members from the field of security on the topic at hand. As planned inclusivity in security programs is a fairly recent construct, this may be something we can build on together.