Event Details

AmCham's Information and Communications Technology Committee, together with Microsoft, is hosting a webinar entitled, "Empowering Industries through Digital Transformation," which will be held on October 13, 2022, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM via Zoom.

The session will serve as a platform to be informed about DTI's plans for a digital transformative economy and how innovative solutions can play a significant role in the digital growth and development of MSMEs.


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  • Engr. Lilian G. Salonga (Director IV, Competitiveness Bureau, Competitiveness and Innovation Group of Department of Trade and Industry)

    Engr. Lilian G. Salonga

    Director IV, Competitiveness Bureau, Competitiveness and Innovation Group of Department of Trade and Industry

    Engineer Lilian G. Salonga is the Director IV of the DTI Competitiveness Bureau. Prior to her appointment as the Bureau Director, she was the Director III of the DTI Consumer Protection and Advocacy Bureau (CPAB) where she represented the country in various intergovernmental organizations and international cooperations intended to promote the interests of developing states in global trade such as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). She was also the OIC-Executive Director of the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP), Construction Manpower Development Foundation (CMDF), and Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB).

    Apart from her full-time government work, she is a part-time Graduate School Professor in Business at the College of Continuing, Advanced, and Professional Studies of the University of Makati.

    She earned two undergraduate and two graduate degrees in the fields of Engineering, Management & Business. As a grantee of the Australian Awards, she earned her Certificate in Trade & Industry in Sydney, Australia, top of her class. She also pursued a postgraduate diploma in Good Governance and Public Management at the Graduate School of Public and Development Management of the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP). In 2015, she has conferred a diploma in Development Management from the same institution and awarded the Most Outstanding Capstone Paper Award from DAP’s Management Development Program, belonging to the third batch of the Senior Executive Class – Sinagtala.

    Director Salonga is a home-grown executive who rose from the ranks over her 37-year stint in DTI. Director Salonga now leads the Competitiveness Bureau in promoting quality and organizational excellence thereby enabling innovation and entrepreneurship and enhancing local and national competitiveness. Moreover, Director Salonga ensures that the programs and plans of DTI strengthen and improve the quality of industry outputs and services, as well as their productivity, all in pursuit of advancing Philippine enterprises in the global value chain and reinforcing global competitiveness.

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  • Lorenzo Taรฑedo (Director for Small Medium & Corporate Business of Microsoft Philippines)

    Lorenzo Tañedo

    Director for Small Medium & Corporate Business of Microsoft Philippines

    Lorenzo or Enzo has 15+ years of experience in telco and cloud. He is currently the Director for Small Medium & Corporate Business at Microsoft Philippines.

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  • Alan Smyth (Head of Acquisitions at First Circle)

    Alan Smyth

    Head of Acquisitions at First Circle