Hon. Benjamin C. Abalos Jr.Chairman at Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
Of the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines, an umbrella organization of some 1.7 million elective and appointive officials of the country that traditionally has been headed by a governor. With his continuous pioneering efforts, Mandaluyong received numerous awards including, but not limited to:
- The prestigious 2015 United Nations Public Service Award in recognition of his excellent performance as a public servant in initiating Project TEACH during the United Nations Public Service Day and Awards held in Medellin, Colombia in June.
- Local Government Leadership Awardee-Most Outstanding City Mayor awarded by the Senate and Congress of the Philippines and leading universities in the country - University of the Philippines, Ateneo School of Government – Ateneo de Manila, La Salle Institute of Governance – DLSU, Center for Governance Development Academy of the Philippines, San Carlos University, Mindanao State University, and Kalayaan College.
- Presidential Award for Most Child-Friendly City in the Philippines in 2011 and was conferred the Seal of Child-Friendly Local Governance as a top regional awardee in January 2016 both by the Council for the Welfare of Children.
- Two of the top 10 prestigious Galing Pook Awards 2013 for its life-changing programs: Garden of Life Park and the Project TEACH Most Business-Friendly City in the Philippines. Also, the city ranked No. 2 in Top Performing Cities Based on Locally Generated Revenues in the 2010-2011 Comparative Report of the Department of Finance-Bureau of Local Government Finance.
- In July 2015, he led the city in achieving the Guinness World Records for the largest Zumba class in one location, an endeavor initiated with City First Lady Menchie Abalos in promoting a healthy lifestyle.
- In 2014 - 2015, the city was conferred the Seal of Good Local Governance by the Department of the Interior and Local Government 2015 for passing all criteria the Core and Essential Components: Good Financial Housekeeping; Social Protection; Disaster Preparedness; Business-friendliness and Competitiveness; Environmental Management; and Peace and Order.
- The outstanding and innovative nutrition programs of the city have also consistently gained awards. Green Banner Award for three consecutive years (2010-2012), CROWN Award (2013), the 1st Year CROWN Maintenance Award (2014) as well as the 2nd Year CROWN Maintenance Award (2015) up to achieving the highest award in nutrition, the Nutrition Honor Award (2016) as conferred by the National Nutrition Council.
- Pioneering Leader in Green Building Program given by International Finance Corporation World Bank and adopted by the Department of Public Works and Highways. 2017.
He also pioneered innovative ordinances in the city:
- The Code of Parental Responsibility and
- Riding and Tandem Ordinance
Not only is he the guiding force of the city, but he is also likewise the source of inspiration to serve every Mandaleño. The man behind the slogan: DEEDS NOT WORDS (GAWA, HINDI SALITA).