Event Details
Designed for business owners, CFOs, tax professionals, and individuals, this course provides a comprehensive guidance in complying with changes introduced by new issuances of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).This course offers essential insights, knowledge, and tools necessary to confidently navigate the complex landscape of tax regulations.
To be conducted by seasoned tax experts and professionals, Atty Lea L. Roque and Mr. Richard Ibarra, understand the tax regulations specific for non-resident foreign corporations and companies with cross-border / international transactions.
The latest Revenue Memorandum Circulars issued by the BIR have a substantial and immediate impact on:
- The taxation of cross-border services with activities in the Philippines,
- Tax treatment of reimbursable or allocable expenses for cross- border services
- Revisiting rules on the tax treaty relief application in mitigating the potential risk brought by the tax development
- Difference in the financial reporting versus on tax reporting for the finance lease, foreign currency, retirement benefits and interest expense