The American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (AmCham) has been active in monitoring business issues and provides a platform for discussion among key public and private stakeholders. The Chamber's commitments in advancing our shared interests are manifested by the active involvement of its specialized committees and policy advocacies. To date, AmCham has 19 standing committees focused on specific industries' needs and agenda. AmCham works under its four pillars of MAIN: Marketing, Advocacy, Information, Networking. In light of the recent negative developments of COVID-19, and increasing cases internationally, the Philippines under the Duterte Administration consistently observes preventive measures to mitigate the pandemic. The country has been put under quarantine to observe social distancing and avoid high risk and exposure to the virus. This catastrophe, however, does not stop AmCham from giving the value that their members deserve. As a manner of continuously touching base with its members, it conducts regular webinars somehow alike to the regular committee meetings that it once held in the past. This is one of the many ways AmCham stays connected and continues to function under its four pillars.
With the recent surge of the Omicron variant across the region, it has certainly shook up the standard workday for businesses across the country, and no company is an exception. Having to face the uncharted waters of remote work, the work and life balance, asynchronous schedules and employee engagement has been no easy task. Certainly, we have lost touch with some key people that we used to communicate with and see at networking events and maybe even others who we've met online and want to reconnect. As we emerge from the recent lockdown and continuously adapt to the new protocols, it will definitely be good to dust off that contact list and get in touch once again. Continuing to network in the 'Now Normal' is more important than ever, as it is beneficial to still create industry connections, gather advice and receive insight on new opportunities that may come in the future. There are a few ways to network that are safe and easy and several benefits to gain from expanding your network — even virtually. AmCham also values the importance of interpersonal relationships as it remains at the heart of success for career and business development. Yet, the new normal has challenged us to connect in other ways. One of the amazing things about humans is that, over time, we have become very creative. We are created to survive. That's what people rely on now—coming up with incredible ways to find networks even when we're not in the same physical space together.