Event Details

The influence of ICT on tourism and hospitality is related to the facilitation of contact with stakeholders, acting as an effective distribution channel, and providing an effective forum for business and marketing, among other things. The primary goal of this meeting is to identify the difference in ICT advancement and adaptation of the local tourism sector, as well as to determine how these tourist-centered areas can benefit from connectivity.


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  • Emil Baniqued (AVP and Head of Innovation and Product Management at Converge)

    Emil Baniqued

    AVP and Head of Innovation and Product Management at Converge

  • Edwin Ligot (Assistant Secretary at Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT))

    Edwin Ligot

    Assistant Secretary at Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)

  • Brian Connelly (VP Operations and General Manager at Jpark Island Resort & Waterpark Cebu)

    Brian Connelly

    VP Operations and General Manager at Jpark Island Resort & Waterpark Cebu

  • Francis Theodore Initorio (Administrator at Mt Samat TIEZA)

    Francis Theodore Initorio

    Administrator at Mt Samat TIEZA

  • Bryan Uy (Management Associate at Converge)

    Bryan Uy

    Management Associate at Converge