Event Details
The COVID-19 pandemic represents the greatest threat to global public health and economies in the 21st century. This has created unprecedented disruption for the global health and development community. Furthermore, several challenges on safety, supply chain logistics, and financial stress occurred and because of this, the long-term consequences are still difficult to determine.
Despite the obvious implications on economic and health sectors of almost all countries across the world, many organizations have stepped up to the challenge, adapting their businesses both to protect their employees and to continue serving their customers and communities. In a recent survey by Mckinsey, 80 percent of executives said that their organizations have responded effectively to the pandemic. For now, a high priority in ending the pandemic, as well as accelerating the post-COVID-19 recovery, must be determined what an effective global response to COVID-19.
This meeting will be discussing business resiliency best practices as well as new COVID-19 therapeutics as achieving new normal requires a coordinated, coherent, and cohesive response that is effective globally for sustainability.